Varia (123) « Downloads
- More than 1000 fellow Romanian judges and prosecutors delegated 30 magistrates
- Romania - refusal to apply the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union - limitation period for criminal liability
- Hotarare CEDO Danilet
- Engleza raspuns
- RaSpuns Mj
- RECJ - Raport privind codurile de conduita pentru membrii consiliilor judiciare
- Avizul CCJE nr. 25 (2022) privind libertatea de exprimare a judecatorilor
- Remarks on the “laws of justice” (new drafts announced by the Ministry of Justice on 21 July 2022)
- Observatii proiecte legile justitiei 21 iulie 2022
- Avizul 1079-2022 al Comisiei de la Venetia in limba romana
- Romanian Judges’ Forum Association - Letter for Ms. Ursula von der Leyen and Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles
- Compilatia avizelor si rapoartelor Comisiei de la Venetia privind procurorii
- Compilatia avizelor si rapoartelor Comisiei de la Venetia privind instantele judecatoresti si judecatorii
- Cerere adeziune
- Raport RL CE 2021
- Craiova
- Raspuns SG CSM
- Raspuns MJ
- Cheltuieli CSM
- Anexa 10
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