Anul 2019 Numarul 2 (9) « Downloads
- Anja Seibert-Fohr - Judges and their freedom of expression
- Apel public al magistraților români
- Asociația Forumul Judecătorilor din România – White Paper: Promovarea judecătorilor în funcțiile de vârf din sistemul judiciar. În căutarea meritocrației
- Din jurisprudența recentă a Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene
- Din jurisprudența recentă a Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului
- Dragoș Călin - Ten requests for a preliminary ruling filed by the Romanian courts for maintaining the rule of law, a common value of all the European Union Member States
- Giuliana Romualdi - Problem-Solving Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Italian Legal Context
- The Honourable Luc Martineau - Does Judicial Courage Exist, and if so, is it Necessary in a Democracy?
- William F. Hamilton, David Hazouri, Jan L. Jacobowitz, Meenu Sasser, Ralph Artigliere - Face-Off on Facebook: Judges and Lawyers as Social Media “Friends” in a Post-Herssein World
Editura Universitara (the Universitary Publishing House) holds the copyright on the texts published in the Judges` Forum Review. The articles can be used in the provided electronic format, in respect of the national and international legislation.