Varia (123) « Downloads
- lista-1427-Nume
- lista-1808
- Romanian Judges and Prosecutors against Proposed Changes of Laws regarding the Judiciary
- Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Romania
- Romanian Judges` Forum Association and Association of Romanian Prosecutors – Remarks
- Cerere adeziune
- Protestele magistratilor din Romania - 18-21 decembrie 2017
- 1766
- Amicus curiae pentru Curtea Constituțională a României
- Drept la replica LUJU
- 1901
- Scrisoare publica delimitare UNJR si AMR
- 1911 rezolutie
- Solicitare catre Parlamentul Romaniei - sesizare Comisia de la Venetia
- ICCJ date statistice
- lista-1660-Nume
- Solicitare catre Presedintele Romaniei - sesizare Comisia de la Venetia
- Analiza activitatii CSM in privinta apararii corpului magistratilor
- Letter to Mr. Frans Timmermans - request to consult the Venice Commission
Editura Universitara (the Universitary Publishing House) holds the copyright on the texts published in the Judges` Forum Review. The articles can be used in the provided electronic format, in respect of the national and international legislation.