The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The formal statements of the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice on the primacy of European Union law do not stand for facts or remove the spectrum of infringement procedures, accompanied by severe financial sanctions, for Romania

The latest CVM Report, published on 8 June 2021, confirmed that “the judgment of the Court of Justice of 18 May 2021 provides a clear framework and direction for ongoing reforms to satisfactorily meet the CVM benchmarks, in full respect of the rule of law and EU law in general”. The European Commission suggested that “it is essential that the ruling be properly reflected in the new legislation to be adopted”.
Within the framework of the CJEU ruling of 18 May 2021, the Romanian Government and the Romanian Parliament had to promote and adopt immediately all legislative changes resulting from the CVM reports.
Subsequently, the  Rule of Law Report issued in 2021 (The Romanian Rule of Law Chapter), published by the European Commission, once again proved that the lack of real judicial reforms is one of the serious causes of the ongoing degradation of the rule of law rules in Romania.
Reforms essential to the judiciary are promised daily in the media, but everything remains in the drawers, due to the lack of real political will in this regard and despite the unanimous external pressure (in fact all relevant international and European bodies), but also despite the repeated demands of thousands of Romanian magistrates and professional associations representing them.
In this context, the Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association call again for swift judicial reforms, in order to align the national legislation with the minimum requirements of European Union law on the rule of law, the reports of relevant international entities and the demands of the overwhelming majority of Romanian magistrates. Moreover, none of the substantively harmful changes to the laws of justice, made between 2018 and 2019 and entered into force, have not been repealed yet.
The mere formal statements of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice on the primacy of European Union law do not stand for facts and do not remove the spectrum of infringement procedures, accompanied by severe financial sanctions, for Romania. On the contrary, Europe cannot be tricked in such a way.
The Romanian Judges Forum Association
The Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association
The Initiative for Justice Association

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