Cuprins lb. engleză

Contents issue 2/2010

INTERVIEWS – About Justice and Judges

Interviews with Mrs. Elena Simina Tănăsescu and Mr. Corneliu Bîrsan and Nicolae Prelipceanu


The judgement of the High Tribunal from Paris, Dec. 3, 2008 in the case of The Chancellery of the Universities from Paris versus Simone Baulez (about Emil Cioran’s manuscripts)


Andra AsănicăThe Disciplinary Liability of Judges and Prosecutors in Comparative Law

Vahe Yengibaryan – An Approach to the Basic Rules of Magistrates’ Ethics Conduct in the Republic of Armenia

Johnathan Soeharno – Is Judicial Integrity a Norm? An Inquiry into the Concept of Judicial Integrity in England and the Netherlands


Dragoş Călin – Jurisprudential Analysis Regarding the Special First Registration Tax and the Pollution Tax

Claudia Prilogan, Dan Manea – The Jurisdiction ratione materiae in the Case of the Demands for Rescission of an Agreement to a Future Buy-Sell. The Court Fees for this Kind of Demands

Bogdan-Alex Arghir – The Right to Access to Justice in the Present System of Court Fees in Cases Regarding the Inheritance

Alex Kozinski – Mickey and I


Establishing a Database on the Judicial Inspection Regarding Violations of Ethical Conduct of Judges and Prosecutors, which is not Disciplinary. Regulatory Jurisdiction of the Superior Council of Magistracy.

Seniority in the Judiciary. The Period of Holding the Area Chief Position for the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Interior, Justice and Prosecution

Promotion Based on Performance. The Period in which the Appellant Served as Legal Adviser Cannot be Considered in Calculating the Minimum Age Required by the Law. The Effect of the Constitutional Court Decision No. 785 of 12.05.2009

The Judges and Prosecutors who Hold Office Cannot Take Part in the Admission into the Magistracy Competition, Organized under the Provisions of Article 33 Paragraph 1 of the Law on the Statute of Magistrates nr. 303/2004 republished, with Subsequent Amendments

Administrative Contencious. Challenging the Minutes Drafted by a Committee Appointed to Solve Disputes on Scales and by a Committee Organizing the Executive Promotion Contest. Inadmissibility

The refusal of the Application for the Managerial Appointment Contest Because of the Failure of the Requirement Imposed by Art. 48 para. 2 of Law no. 303/2004, Regarding Career Assessment. The Period of Two Years from the Appointment is Calculated from the Date of the Appointment as Judges or Prosecutors, by Decree of the President of Romania.


About Justice and Judges. Interviews


The handwritten complaint , filed in the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Virginia in the case of Jonathan Lee Riches v. Michael Vick, about the alleged theft from the plaintiff of two pitbull dogs, used in several dog fights, and then sold on eBay for money used to buy missles from the Iranian Government.

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