Contents in English

Contents issue 1/2010 


INTERVIEWS – About Justice and Judges

Interviews with Mr. Neagu Djuvara, Mr. Virgil Nemoianu, Mr. Matei Visniec, Mr. Valerius M. Ciuca and Mr. Florin Streteanu



Éric Battistoni, Marco Bouchard – Mediation and Conciliation: European and National Rules

Ales Zalar – What can Governments do to Develop Mediation?

Béatrice Brenneur – When Mediation Changes Judges and Justice

Louise Otis – Judicial Mediation and the Changes in Justice

Jaime Octavio Cardona Ferreira – Mediation and the Importance of Portuguese Peace Judges

Alessandro Bruni – Mediation in Italy

Christopher Strecker – Family Mediation in International Judicial Cooperation

Yevgeny Georgiev – Enthusiasm – Is it Enough to Promote Mediation?

Robert M. Levy – Mediation in the United States

Elena Highton Nolasco – Mediation in Argentina

Sanda Lungu – Mediation in Romania

Gabriela Calbureanu – From local tribes and elders councils to global villages and savage judges: Avoiding Babylon



Iolanda Agafiţei – Child Protection Measures in Terms of European Court of Human Rights   

Claudia Prilogan, Dan Manea – Aspects Regarding the Participation of Street Victim Protection Fund in the Criminal Trial

Roxana Maria Lacatusu – Critics on the Admissibility of Establishing the Vacation of an Inheritance by the Courts

Ionut Militaru – The Technical-Administrative Measure of Lifting Vehicles Stationed Irregularly on the Strength of GPO nr. 195/2002. The Competence of Solving the Litigation

Dragos Calin – E-justice in the European Union



Agent/Collaborator of the Security as Political Police. The request for the Reconsideration of a Given Solution, Which Became Final, is Admissible Only if the Request for Review is Based on New Evidence Which Was not Considered at the Admission of the First Solutions

Romanian State Liability for Material and Moral Damage Caused to the Applicant, as a Consequence of Tranching Upon his/her Rights to a Fair Trial Under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, in Terms of Procedure Duration. The Impartiality of State Liability



The conference ”The Standardization of Workloads in Court. Necessity, Regulation, Consequences “. Short report

GEMMA – The European Group of Magistrates for Mediation International Forum for Justice Mediation



U.S. Court Decision in New Orleans on Setting Another Date for Hearings Due to the Historic Victory of the American Football Team New Orleans Saints


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