Interview with Afghan Judge Tayeba Parsa (Kabul Court of Appeal) for Romanian Judges` Forum Review –

1. What is the main fear for you after the Taliban took control?

Tayeba Parsa: For the Taliban, simply being a government judge is enough reason to be killed without trial. As recently as last week, two male judges were murdered by the Taliban the moment the Taliban discovered both men were judges. But for women judges, the danger is much greater. The Taliban believe that women judges are forbidden by the rules and regulations of Islam. We do not feel safe, and I do not doubt that after the government’s fall, judges — especially women judges — will be executed without a trial.

2. Do you think that all women judges in Afghanistan will be removed from office?

Tayeba Parsa: As I said The Taliban believe that women judges are forbidden by the rules and regulations of Islam. We do not feel safe, and I do not doubt that after the government’s fall, judges — especially women judges — will be executed without a trial.

Yes, we think women judges will be removed from offices especially the judges who are from the minority Hazara ethnic group and minority Shi’a religious community. During the previous Taliban regime, they fired only Hazara judges.

3. How could the international community, judges around the world, help you?

Tayeba Parsa: International community can press the Taliban for regarding rule of law, human and women rights. They pretend to regard but we understand that they pretend it because of the international community.

4. Will emigration from Afghanistan be the only chance for Afghan judges to escape? 

Tayeba Parsa: Yes, the only way to be alive and safe for women judges is immigration. We, the Afghan women judges, are talking in a group. They are so worried and afraid all of them want to leave Afghanistan because they lost all their hopes. We heard that the Taliban are going to start searching homes. 

Interview conducted by

Dragoş Călin,

judge, Bucharest Court of Appeals

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