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(Română) ÎCCJ: ”Pronunţarea de către o comisie din cadrul Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii a unei soluţii, fie ea şi provizorie, asupra cererilor înaintate de magistraţi, excedează atribuţiilor conferite comisiilor de lucru din cadrul CSM de dispoziţiile art.68 alin.1 din Regulamentul de organizare şi funcţionare a Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii, act normativ dat în executarea şi aplicarea prevederilor art.53 ind.1 alin.1 şi 2 din Legea nr.317/2004, potrivit cărora comisiile de lucru au rol de structuri pregătitoare de specialitate pentru secţii şi nu au competenţa de a da soluţii într-o cerere cu care este învestită una dintre secţiile Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii”

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Open letter of Romanian judges and prosecutors to the European Commission

To the attention of Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, The President of the European Commission To the attention of Mrs. Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission For the attention of Mr. Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice Your Excellencies, We have been fighting for almost four years for the independence of justice in Romania, but without the involvement of the European Commission, which should have been the first to refer the matter to the Court of… citeste

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CJEU – Case C-506/22, Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Câmpina and Others. Compatibility with European Union law of the effects of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania No 358/2022. Possibility of creating a substantive criminal law which has the effect of removing the criminal liability of the perpetrators by restricting the effects of the statute of limitations on criminal liability and an effective mechanism of systemic impunity for any acts constituting offences

By judgment of 01.07.2022, the Câmpina First Instance Court referred the matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union, pursuant to Article 267(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union for a preliminary ruling on the following question: “The principle of the supremacy of European Union law must be interpreted as permitting national courts of ordinary law to leave unapplied, of their own motion, decisions of the national constitutional court whereby, in… citeste

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