DETAŞAREA JUDECĂTORILOR ŞI PROCURORILOR LA ALTE AUTORITĂŢI PUBLICE DECÂT INSTANŢELE SAU LA INSTITUŢII PUBLICE judecător Horaţius Dumbravă, judecător Dragoş Călin, Curtea de Apel Târgu Mureş Curtea de Apel Bucureşti The secondments of the judges and of the prosecutors to… citeste
REMUNERAREA MAGISTRAŢILOR – CONDIŢIE A INDEPENDENŢEI JUSTIŢIEI judecător Paula-Andrada Coţovanu, judecător Cristi Danileţ, Curtea de Apel Piteşti Tribunalul Cluj The delay in adopting a new law on the remuneration of the magistrates aimed at precluding the disparities and inequities caused by the current specific… citeste
RECRUTAREA MAGISTRAŢILOR – GARANŢIE PRINCIPALĂ A INDEPENDENŢEI ACESTORA judecător Roxana Maria Lăcătuşu, judecător Angelica Cruceanu, Judecătoria Sectorului 4 Bucureşti Judecătoria Focşani The training of a body of magistrates responding to the actual and optimum profil of the magistrate is a desideratum and its… citeste
Интервью Ольга Кудешкина – свобода выражения мнений “The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights is a great victory for all Russian citizens who need an independent, impartial and equitable justice, that in many instances cannot be found in Russia. This is also the reason for which many of them need to address to the European Court of Human Rights. The decision rendered to me a… citeste