PERSPECTIVE ASUPRA CONSILIILOR MAGISTRATURII Lord Justice Thomas, Preşedinte al Reţelei Europene a Consiliilor Magistraturii Each of the topics I have addressed would form a talk in itself and benefit from a much more detailed analysis. Time does not permit. However, in my view, when an analysis of the tasks which must be performed to maintain the independence of the judicial branch of the state is carried out, I think the inevitable conclusion is that a Council for… citeste
DETAŞAREA JUDECĂTORILOR ŞI PROCURORILOR LA ALTE AUTORITĂŢI PUBLICE DECÂT INSTANŢELE SAU LA INSTITUŢII PUBLICE judecător Horaţius Dumbravă, judecător Dragoş Călin, Curtea de Apel Târgu Mureş Curtea de Apel Bucureşti The secondments of the judges and of the prosecutors to… citeste