
Light rays for dozens of Afghan judges and prosecutors rescued by Romania, Poland and Greece

In August 2021, a world collapsed in Afghanistan and chaos took place. Thus, the operation to rescue Afghan judges and prosecutors has become a duty for any colleague of them in any other state. In a brief interview on 16 August 2021, Afghan Judge Tayeba Parsa (Kabul Court of Appeal) expressed serious concerns about the fact that, after the fall of the government, Afghan judges (and especially women judges) would be killed without any further guilty trials, as they were already… citeste

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Lettre ouverte à Monsieur Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République Française

Monsieur Le Président de la République, Votre Excellence, Le Forum des Juges de Roumanie, association professionnelle des juges roumains, vous demande de bien vouloir apporter votre soutien au secours des juges et procureurs afghans dont la vie est toujours en danger. À titre d’information, en août-septembre 2021, le Ministère roumain des Affaires Étrangères a procédé à l’évacuation d’un groupe de six juges et d’un assistant de justice, ainsi que de leurs… citeste

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The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defence of the Statute of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The new project on the dismantle of the Special Section represents an inadequate compromise that violates Romania’s obligations as a Member State of the European Union and of the Council of Europe

According to the guidelines set out in the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union from 18 May 2021 in Joined Cases C-83/19, C-127/19, C-195/19, C-291/19, C-355/19 and C-397/19, Asociația Forumul Judecătorilor din România and Others, reproduced in the judgment of 21 December 2021 in Joined Cases C-357/19, C-379/19, C-547/19, C-811/19 and C-840/19, Euro Box Promotion, Romania must comply with Decision 2006/928 establishing the CVM and the reports adopted by the… citeste

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Avocatul general Collins: dreptul Uniunii se opune unei dispoziții sau unei practici din dreptul național potrivit căreia instanțele naționale nu au competența de a examina conformitatea cu dreptul Uniunii a unei dispoziții de drept național pe care o decizie a instanței constituționale a statului membru a declarat-o ca fiind constituțională.

Acesta se opune de asemenea inițierii unei proceduri disciplinare și aplicării unei sancțiuni disciplinare în privința unui judecător ca urmare a acestei examinări. RS a fost condamnat în urma unui proces penal în România. La 1 aprilie 2020, soția lui RS a formulat o plângere penală împotriva, printre alții, a trei magistrați: un procuror și un judecător pe care îi acuza de încălcarea dreptului la apărare al lui RS. Plângerea penală a fost înregistrată la… citeste

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(English) The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The formal statements of the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice on the primacy of European Union law do not stand for facts or remove the spectrum of infringement procedures, accompanied by severe financial sanctions, for Romania

Din păcate acest articol este disponibil doar în Engleză… citeste

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Le droit de l’Union s’oppose à l’application d’une jurisprudence de la Cour constitutionnelle dans la mesure où celle-ci, combinée avec les dispositions nationales en matière de prescription, crée un risque systémique d’impunité

Arrêt dans les affaires jointes C-357/19, Euro Box Promotion e.a., C-379/19,  DNA – Serviciul Teritorial Oradea, C-547/19, Asociaţia « Forumul Judecătorilor din România », C-811/19, FQ e.a. et C-840/19, NC   La primauté du droit de l’Union exige que les juridictions nationales aient le pouvoir de laisser inappliquée une décision d’une cour constitutionnelle qui est contraire à ce droit, notamment sans courir le risque d’engager leur responsabilité… citeste

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Dreptul Uniunii se opune aplicării unei jurisprudențe a Curții Constituționale în măsura în care aceasta, coroborată cu dispozițiile naționale în materie de prescripție, creează un risc sistemic de impunitate

Hotărârea în cauzele conexate C-357/19, Euro Box Promotion și alții, C-379/19, DNA – Serviciul Teritorial Oradea, C-547/19, Asociaţia «Forumul Judecătorilor din România», C-811/19, FQ și alții și C-840/19, NC Supremația dreptului Uniunii impune ca judecătorii naționali să aibă puterea să lase neaplicată o decizie a unei curți constituționale care este contrară acestui drept, în special fără a fi expuçi riscului de a le fi angajată răspunderea… citeste

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The Good Lobby Profs – Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu

Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu | The Good Lobby 27 September 2021 Re: Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu We are writing on behalf of The Good Lobby Profs, a team of 60+ academic experts specialising inter alia in rule of law matters, to express our grave concerns about Resolution 2492/26.08.2021 whereof the Romanian Judicial Inspectorate took disciplinary action against Judge Costin Andrei Stancu of the Pitesti Court of Appeals and referred his… citeste

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The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: We request the dissolution of the Judicial Inspection and the creation of two judicial inspection structures with distinct legal personality, one for judges and, respectively, another one for prosecutors

By Decision no. 230 of 23 March 2021, the Section for Prosecutors of the Superior Council of Magistracy found “the very low quality of the activity of the Judicial Inspection in the field of disciplinary liability, given that the resolutions to carry out disciplinary actions were confirmed by the Chief Inspector, including by violating legal provisions regarding the impartiality; directing the activity of the Judicial Inspection in the period 2017 – 2020 towards the prosecutors in… citeste

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