
The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The formal statements of the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice on the primacy of European Union law do not stand for facts or remove the spectrum of infringement procedures, accompanied by severe financial sanctions, for Romania

The latest CVM Report, published on 8 June 2021, confirmed that “the judgment of the Court of Justice of 18 May 2021 provides a clear framework and direction for ongoing reforms to satisfactorily meet the CVM benchmarks, in full respect of the rule of law and EU law in general”. The European Commission suggested that “it is essential that the ruling be properly reflected in the new legislation to be adopted”. Within the framework of the CJEU ruling of 18 May 2021, the… citeste

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The Good Lobby Profs – Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu

Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu | The Good Lobby 27 September 2021 Re: Statement in support of Judge Costin Andrei Stancu We are writing on behalf of The Good Lobby Profs, a team of 60+ academic experts specialising inter alia in rule of law matters, to express our grave concerns about Resolution 2492/26.08.2021 whereof the Romanian Judicial Inspectorate took disciplinary action against Judge Costin Andrei Stancu of the Pitesti Court of Appeals and referred his… citeste

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The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: We request the dissolution of the Judicial Inspection and the creation of two judicial inspection structures with distinct legal personality, one for judges and, respectively, another one for prosecutors

By Decision no. 230 of 23 March 2021, the Section for Prosecutors of the Superior Council of Magistracy found “the very low quality of the activity of the Judicial Inspection in the field of disciplinary liability, given that the resolutions to carry out disciplinary actions were confirmed by the Chief Inspector, including by violating legal provisions regarding the impartiality; directing the activity of the Judicial Inspection in the period 2017 – 2020 towards the prosecutors in… citeste

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