
The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defence of the Statute of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The Minister of Justice disregards the right of judges and prosecutors to association and continuing professional training

The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defence of the Statute of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association took note of the statements of the Minister of Justice, Mr Marian-Cătălin Predoiu, from an interview given to the juridice.ro website (“I would ask each magistrate, who attends the conferences, holds courses, gives interviews, issues press releases, how many cases he/she has solved on that day or when he/she recovers that time for… citeste

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The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association, in line with the values they have committed and promoted over time, express their sympathy and unconditional aid to Ukrainian neighbours, who are victims of armed aggression contrary to the rules of international law

We recall that we are members of a Union that seeks to promote peace, the values and well-being of its peoples (Art. 3 TEU), that the dignity and rights of all people are the foundations of our civilisation, Western civilisation, and everyone endangers our own civilisation. No one should fear their lives, their family or the loss of their home. Only two days have passed since the attacks initiated by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, and the images transmitted from the conflict… citeste

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EU law precludes a national rule under which national courts have no jurisdiction to examine the conformity with EU law of national legislation which has been held to be constitutional by a judgment of the constitutional court of the Member State The application of such a rule would undermine the principle of the primacy of EU law and the effectiveness of the preliminary-ruling mechanism

The Court of Justice is called upon to rule on the principle of judicial independence, enshrined in the second subparagraph of Article 19(1) TEU, read in conjunction in particular with the principle of the primacy of EU law, in a context in which an ordinary court of a Member State has no jurisdiction, under national law, to examine the conformity with EU law of national legislation that has been held to be constitutional by the constitutional court of that Member State, and the… citeste

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Exodus of Afghan judges and their families. Refuge in Romania

How it started The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) started this year’s withdrawal from the region in August and Taliban insurgents took control of the Afghan capital Kabul on 15 August 2021. Immediately after that, chaos settled in the area, especially at Kabul airport, where thousands of people were trying to board the last planes that could still evacuate the citizens of the foreign forces or the Afghans who worked with them. On 16 August 2021, having an intuition… citeste

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