Author page: Redacţia RFJ

Magistrates’ associations and civil society: We request the Minister of Justice to urgently publish the projects for justice laws and Penal Codes and to submit them to the Venice Commission

The Romanian Judges Forum, The Movement for Defending the Statute of Prosecutors and Initiative for Justice associations, professional organizations of judges and prosecutors, respectively Funky Citizens, Declic and Vedem Just associations, representing the civil society, took note of the announcement made by the Ministry of Justice from April 18 2022 regarding the transmission for consultation of the projects for justice laws and Penal Codes to European Comission, under the… citeste

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The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defence of the Statute of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association: The Minister of Justice disregards the right of judges and prosecutors to association and continuing professional training

The Romanian Judges’ Forum Association, the Movement for Defence of the Statute of Prosecutors Association and the Initiative for Justice Association took note of the statements of the Minister of Justice, Mr Marian-Cătălin Predoiu, from an interview given to the website (“I would ask each magistrate, who attends the conferences, holds courses, gives interviews, issues press releases, how many cases he/she has solved on that day or when he/she recovers that time for… citeste

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