How to Safeguard European values? Policy Panel on the Rule of Law, Bruxelles, Institute for European Studies, November 21, 2019

Romanian magistrates will dialogue with the Belgian member of the Venice Commission during this debate organised in the context of the Jean Monnet Module “Rule of law and Mutual Trust in Global and European Governance” coordinated by Prof. Ramona Coman.

The speakers

  • Jean-Claude Scholsem, Professor at the University of Liège and Member of the Venice Commission
  • Heather Grabbe, Director of the Open Society European Policy Institute
  • Dragos Calin, Judge, Appeal Court, Bucharest, co-president Romanian Judges’ Forum Association
  • Bogdan Pirlog, Prosecutor, Co-president of the Romanian Association Initiative for Justice

Practical Information

Date: November 21

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Place: Bruxelles, Institute for European Studies, room Spaak

The Jean Monnet Module

The Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates since September 2018 a Jean Monnet Module dealing with the rule of law and mutual trust in global and European governanceProfessor Ramona Coman, President of the IEE-ULB  is the project’s coordinator.

In recent years the salience of these topics has considerably increased not only within the EU but also in other regions/regional organizations. The aim of this Module is to create a platform of academic and expert discussion that will shade light on current debates about the rule of law in general and the independence of the judiciary in EU member states and beyond. The Module seeks to bring together scholars and experts with academic backgrounds in different disciplines and plural views on the topic.

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