To the attention of collaborators
The Judges` Forum Review is an initiative of Romanian judges; it aims at promoting values related to the profession of judge, ideas and opinions on the state of justice and judicial reform, of legal studies based on working experience.
Given this desideratum, the publication offer is addressed mainly to judges, but all articles that meet the standard of the review will be published.
The Judges Forum journal is a serial publication registered with the ISSN National Centre under the 2065-8745 code, and the Universitary Publishing House is recognized by the National Council of University Research (N.U.R.C.).
The papers will be sent electronically by e-mail to or in printed format at: Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, Bd. N.Balcescu no. 27-33, Bloc Unic, sc. B, sector 1, Romania, Europe. The authors will mention their name and surname, profession (position), address, workplace, telephone number, personal identification number and IBAN code.
Materials will be delivered in electronic format as well, written in Microsoft Word, font: Times New Roman, size: 12, space: 1.5 rows; the use of diacritics is mandatory.
The doctrine articles may not exceed 25 pages, including footnotes, and will be structured into several parts and divisions, corresponding to the complexity of the document.
Normal or italic and, exceptionally, bold fonts may be used in the text, and the use of CAPITAL LETTERS is excluded.
As the journal will be sent, in electronic format, to associations of foreign judges that the editorial staff work with, each article will be accompanied by an abstract, necessarily in English and/or French, up to 25 rows, depending on the size of the article and the complexity of the document. The abstract will contain the essence of the article and author’s conclusions on the problem analysed.
Bibliographical sources will be fully cited, indicating all elements of identification: initial letter of the surname and the name of the author (without bold fonts), full title of article (in italics and without quotation marks), publication, issue/year, publisher, city, year of publication and reference page. If there are several authors of a paper, they will all be listed, using commas, without the conjunction “and”. If there are more than five authors, only the name of the first author or of the coordinator will be mentioned, followed by “et al.”
Only the abbreviations found in the abreviations list will be used.
The usual abbreviations used in reference to the Romanian normative acts are: Civ. C.,, Crim.c.,, Com.c., Fisc.c.,, G.D. no., E.O. no., G.E.O. no., art., para., ind., let., pt. etc. The normative acts will be indicated only by mentioning the number and the year of issuance, without the date when it was adopted in the Parliament. (i.e. Law no 303/2004), but the footnote will point out the publication of Official Monitor.
Concerning published materials, the journal management reserves the right to amend, as appropriate, to reformulate or adapt some formulations, without bringing prejudice to the ideas, opinions and arguments of the authors. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned.
The material submitted for publication may be offered for publication to other journals only after receiving an express refusal to publish in the Judges Forum review from the editorial board or after a period of 45 days from submission in which no answer is received.
The above mentioned are terms of the editing contract, in compliance with Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights. Under the agreement, authors assign exclusive right on the production and dissemination of their work (including electronically), and it is presumed that they agree to the terms when sending the work to be published.
Collaborators will respect copyright laws, with a view to avoiding any form of plagiarism, otherwise they will have the full legal or ethical responsibility. Editors undertake no liability in this regard.
The editing contract is terminated by law, if, until final correction of the issue, important legislative changes, which would decisively influence the content of the article, arise.
The complete course of an article / study
from editing to printing in the Judges` Forum Review
1. The article/study is prepared as per descriptions posted on the magazine website:
2. The article/study is sent electronically, via e-mail, to office.rfj@gmail.comor at the University Publishing House headquarters.
3. The article/study is presented immediately to the editorial board.
4. The editors set, in the editorial meeting, whether the paper meets the minimum form for publication and then two persons designated in consultation with the Scientific Board members (experts in the field or a related field of the written material) will perform the review. The Reviewers may be communicated the author’s identity, upon request and in a justified manner, after consulting the Scientific Board.
5. A coordinator (Editorial Director, Editor in Chief or Vice Editor in Chief) will submit the article/study to reviewers, electronically.
6. The reviewers, after a separate evaluation of the article/study, return it, accompanied by the review.
7. If in the assessment made by the reviewers, they recommend the article/study for publication, the work will be transmitted electronically to a proof reader. If there is difference of opinion, a third reviewer will be appointed.
8. If it is rejected completely, a coordinator will send the refusal to the author, as soon as possible.
9. If the article/study is declared eligible, but requires additions as suggested by reviewers, a coordinator will send all necessary information to the author as soon as possible, and will set a deadline for submitting the final paper, which implies resuming steps 5-8.
10. Following acceptance for publication, an editor operates, for each article / study digital correction, check abstracts in Romanian and English or French, and key words in English (drafts and inputs if they are missing).
11. After correction, the editors sent the works to the Editorial Director, the Editor in Chief or the Vice Editor in Chief.
12. All articles and studies corrected are collected in a single Word document and are submitted to the desktop publisher by the Editorial Director.
13. The desktop publisher paginates all texts in magazine format using PageMaker and prepares the cover, then sends files electronically to the proof reader in the Editorial Office.
14. The desktop publisher has a standard format of the magazine, the general layout, logos, headings and styles used, which are customized for each issue, from the first page.
15. The proof reader makes the correction and any changes on the electronic version, along with the desktop publisher.
16. The desktop publisher finalizes the electronic format of the respective issue, then prints it and sends it to a correction in the Publishing House for final review.
17. The desktop publisher, after making the last corrections, upon receiving the pass for press, submits the text in PDF format and the cover of the respective issue to the Print house of the Publishing House.
18. The Print House prints the issue.